Þ Preferred name:
Light age II
Þ Total level:
Þ Time zone:
Þ In terms of XP gains, how active will you be?:
Þ What other games do you play?
Þ What is your current goal?:
Looking to get back my Max cape that i had before EOC
Þ Have you been in a clan before?:
have been in many clans , from before but cant remember any of those except PSO , they kicked me for not playing for more than 2 years i believe. i dont know if there is another reason tho .
Þ How long has it been since you left your previous clan?:
No idea , but i am still in a skilling clan Called
Þ How did you find us?:
RS Forums
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
i am looking to get into this clan to get some help from the people in there through my journey to get maxed back and some enjoyment
<3 <3 <3