i see have been quite inactive and you dont meet our 5m weekly exp requirement, for that reason i have to reject your application, but dont worry you can apply once again when you have met our requirement and have been more active!
Þ Preferred name: Dormantium /Dorma.
Þ Total level: 2651
Þ Time zone: UTC+1
Þ In terms of XP gains, how active will you be?: 30-50M exp/MONTH
Þ What other games do you play? CS:GO.
Þ What is your current goal?: Become again billionaire. 120Herb/Fletching/Attack.
Þ Have you been in a clan before?: Yes.
Þ How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: 1 day
Þ How did you find us?: Runeclan top gain.
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?:
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