Andrew/Andy don't mind either (RSN: Yo Andy Yo)
What’s your skill total level?
2800, 900m+ xp
What time zone are you in?
What's your current goal?
When i want to play, i just do achievements/questing, and when i want to afk/working on stuff , i just woodcut in the arc for level 120 woodcutting lol
How did you find us?
My old clan is kinda very inactive, so i decided i wanted to find a very high level/social/friendly/active clan to join if possible, so naturally i just went through runeclan and just went ahead and read descriptions that i liked, and was preferring to find a homeworld based in the UK as the last clan i was in had a homeworld in the US.
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? (Optional)
Gaming wise, i use to play Super Smash Bros competitively!
I play a ton of fps games, CS 1.6, Valorant, Overwatch, Paladins.
Im still a somewhat casual fortnite player lol
Nintendo Fan always down for a bit of Mario kart.
Sports i enjoy football, boxing, swimming, badminton.
Currently doing a Masters in Civil Engineering.