What’s your skill total level? 2839 / Virtual 2925, total EXP is 775M
What time zone are you in? Eastern USA
What's your current goal? Max cape then Completionist cape
How did you find us? Clan website
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? I bring the positive vibes and like to have a good time while efficiently get the gains.
Hey Nate, I'm happy to say you've been accepted to join Summit. Please guest in the clan chat or PM one of the named people on the first page and we will arrange an invite, see you soon
What's your current goal? Trimmed Comp cape/120 all.
How did you find us? Scrolling Clan highscores
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? Experienced comp caper and have been running pvm clans since 2016. Very experienced in all aspects of the game.
What's your current goal? Trimmed Comp cape/120 all.
How did you find us? Scrolling Clan highscores
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? Experienced comp caper and have been running pvm clans since 2016. Very experienced in all aspects of the game.
Hey Kick Flip! I'm happy to say you've been accepted to join Summit, please guest in the clan chat and ask for an invite or PM one of the named players on the first screen. See you soon