Runescape Name:
Mining Guild
Name you would like to be called:
I don't mind although most people call me MG for short.
Total Level:
Australian but I tend to play all timezones.
What are you looking for in this clan?
A friendly environment to call home and make new friends.
Do you consider yourself a skiller or PvMer?
I consider myself to be a skiller although I dabble into low level PVM.
What are your current RS goals?
Achieving level 120 smithing (waiting on rework) and completing 5,000 master clue scrolls.
Were you in a clan prior to this one and what was your rank?
Yes I was unfortunately I can't remember what rank I was, ranks are not my main concern when it comes to clans.
Briefly summarize Rule #2 in your own words:
We're all human so what's so difference between you and me (respect everyone equally no matter their background, race or sex). As Ice Cube once sang "You better check yo self before you wreck yo self".
Anything else you would like us to know?
I'm a clue addict and some what of a mining nut.
Level 60 Mining is required to read this.