Name you would like to be called: Duke Cogburn
Total Level: 1514
Timezone: PST/PDT
What are you looking for in this clan?: I'm looking for a fun time.
Do you consider yourself a Skiller or PvMer?: Skiller
What are your current RS goals? One of my goals is to make smithing my first 99.
Were you in a clan prior to this one and what was your rank?: ~
Briefly summarize Rule #2 in your own words: Be nice, don't be vulgar or offensive.
Anything else you would like us to know?: No.
Smith Ed
Name you would like to be called: Duke Cogburn
Total Level: 1514
Timezone: PST/PDT
What are you looking for in this clan?: I'm looking for a fun time.
Do you consider yourself a Skiller or PvMer?: Skiller
What are your current RS goals? One of my goals is to make smithing my first 99.
Were you in a clan prior to this one and what was your rank?: ~
Briefly summarize Rule #2 in your own words: Be nice, don't be vulgar or offensive.
Anything else you would like us to know?: No.
we'd be happy to have you, feel free to join our clan chat and i'll add you as well and keep an eye out for you!