Runescape Name: Cerinthyr
Name you would like to be called: Cerin
Total Level: 1629
Timezone: UK/GMT
What are you looking for in this clan? Casual social friendship, skilling encouragement, relaxed accepting atmosphere and opportunities for group questing.
Do you consider yourself a skiller or PvMer? Predominantly a skiller.
What are your current RS goals? Just to keep levelling up my skills, all of them, and to work through some of the quest lines to make things easier.
Were you in a clan prior to this one? Yes, I've been in two clans. The first one disappeared while I was away for the weekend, the second one just deteriorated before my eyes so I've not had much luck.
Briefly summarize Rule #2 in your own words: Don't be a idiot, if you are going to start a sentence, 'Don't be offended but...' then you should stop right there and say nothing. This was a problem in my previous clan.
Anything else you would like us to know? I'm a bit erratic at when I can be online as I have three kids with additional needs. Sometimes life gets in the way of my plans but I will always try to get into the citadel to help with resources.
Thanks for considering my application!
26-May-2018 22:38:12