Silent Knight Application
Preferred to be called:
Anything, really.
Combat Level:
Total Level:
Previous Clan:
Knights of Saradomin (or something similar, was a while ago)
Current Goal in RS:
Ancient Curses, Smoking Kills, 99 Cooking(about to finish), 99 Smithing, 92 RC for Seasinger, 93 Summoning for Abyssal Titan, Superior Tetsu, Unlocking Invention.
Will you cap at our Citadel?:
You'll have to refresh me on capping and I'll explore the citadel at an appropriate time. Still a little fuzzy on how they work. Capping was not mandatory in my last clan.
Have you read the rules and understand them?:
Yes, I read them over a few times. I'll read them over again to make sure I didn't miss anything.
Who recruited you or introduced you to the clan?:
Lindsey? Lynzi? Think so.
Was it through our SK Forum, vex or your own thread?:
I made a thread on the RS forums, which was replied to.
Tell us a bit about yourself:
Kind of quiet, but tough when I need to be. I have an overactive attention span and acute care for detailing in everyday tasks. I like magic and energy stuffs yet still remain a scientist about it. I like Runescape(obvs) and spend my days skilling, bossing, eventing(like drop parties or other fun, to-do-when-bored things) and really anything else, I guess. Haven't done a single raid yet, but hope to change that. I can be a library geek and sometimes I do writing on spiritual theories at the beach so I can prep some kind of book for publishing or something. Other than that, I'm a simple guy with crazy-enough-to-work ideas and lots of character.