Previous Usernames: I've always been da mage32
Total level:1782
Combat level:115
Any 99s?: Cooking
Have you been in any clans before? If so why did you leave?: I think I was years ago. Just stopped playing from burn out
Why would you like to join We Are Epic?: Looking to get back into the game. Been really enjoying it so far. I would like someone to ask questions instead of watching tons of YouTube all the time ha.
Favorite Runescape Activity (Castle wars, Barbarian Assault etc,) : it was always clan wars but I see there's a lot I haven't tried yet
Are you willing to do your share in citadel upkeep?: Yes, as soon as I find out how
Do you understand the ranking system? (see list below): I believe so
Will you place vexes around runescape and bump this thread?: If someone wants me to?
Have you read our rules?:yes
What would you like to be called?: Da mage32 or Dan
Anything you would like to add: Torva. I played RuneScape for years in the past. Really enjoying playing it since I came back especially now that I can play on mobile and work on skills. Please forgive my noobness lol
18-Nov-2021 20:40:53
- Last edited on
18-Nov-2021 21:05:01
Da Mage32