Username: chaos313
Total Level: 1893
Combat Level:133
Favorite RS activity: bossing
PvMing or Skilling: pvming
Guestimate of account age: 8 years or longer
Username: chaos313
Total Level: 1893
Combat Level:133
Favorite RS activity: bossing
PvMing or Skilling: pvming
Guestimate of account age: 8 years or longer
Hey Chaos! You're welcome to guest with us, and if you're still interested we have plenty of members would would be more than happy to invite you. I'll also check up in-game if no one has contacted you yet!
Username: Tar-Mairon
Total Level: 2617
Combat Level: 138
Favorite RS activity: Bossing
PvMing or Skilling: Both are good
Guestimate of account age: 11-12 years
Also willing to teach Nex, GWD1 and 2, and offer tips on Rax.
I'm Betta D. Fish, and I'm gonna be King of the Pirates