Thank you Ms Cole! I completely forgot about re-quoting my Recruitment Message. Haha.
James, your application looks great. I'm also addicted to Pokemon Go at the moment! I'm not entirely sure if that was a serious response but I can tell you I'm from the UK and no, I would say I'm not good looking in real life, but I also have a Fiance named Odd Lime (in-game of course) who *might* tell you differently, ha!
My love of games and (I like to think sparkling) personality makes up for my looks I guess?
We do have members that PVM. I can't guarantee 24/7 PVM or anything like that but you're more than welcome to host events yourself if that's your cup of tea.
Personally, I have no idea about flipping, some people in the chat may be able to help you out with that though.
I will invite you to the clan shortly, welcome!