Former and/or current experience with clans: The last time I was in a clan was in about 2007, so the most support was Clan Chat and team capes
Interest in becoming an officer, admin, or staff: Not a major interest, but I can lead if asked
In-game hobbies: Skilling, questing, bosses, RP
Time zone: EST
How did you hear about us?: Found you on the clan forums a few weeks ago, but I became busy with work for a few weeks so I didn't apply. Now things have calmed down and I've been able to play more!
Additional information: I do work, so my playtime is normally restricted to 1800-0100 EST weekdays and all day weekends
@BryceAllenDavis |
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27-May-2016 22:03:40
- Last edited on
27-May-2016 22:24:30