Preferred name: Jecook or Jec is fine
Total level: 1589
Time zone: GMT -5
What is your current goal?: Trying to round out my skills--I want everything to be level 50+ or better yet, level 60+
Have you been in a clan before?: Yes, more below
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: 3 or 4 years, I think?
How did you find us?: Forums, but:
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I used to be in this clan several years ago! I had to stop playing very frequently because school was getting really busy. I'd totally forgotten the name of my old clan since it had been so long, but I was looking for a clan since I have time to play again and saw this thread and was drawn to it. I guess part of me remembered or something. Anyway, I have really great memories from this clan--I did a ton of leveling with you guys back in like 2016 when I originally joined. If you'll have me back, I'd love to be back!
18-Jun-2020 07:47:57