1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread?
Yes. I'm at 617M XP.
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan.
I would like to increase my game knowledge and abilities in a community that shares my focus on Runescape. I feel EE would suit both my play style and focus.
3. Would you be interested in joining our Discord server?
4. How many hours do you play per week, on average?
35 to 50 hours per week.
5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in.
Daily challenge, farm and herb runs, Bork, Arc, PoP, Sinkhole, Jade Vine, Jack of all Trades, Crystal Tree, Crystal Flask, and some bossing to improve combat skills.
6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently?
Get Dungeoneering to 115 for access to Motherlode Maw, Daily Challenge and Sinkholes. Obtain all the scrolls in PoP by doing 8 missions per day. Ultimate goal to achieve 120 in all skills. I believe EE can assist in my ultimate goal.
26-Nov-2018 22:28:18