1. Do you agree to abide by the clan rules on Page 1 of this thread? Yes I do.
2. Why are you interested in joining Efficiency Experts? Please name any friends that may have referred you to the clan. Ive been playing rs3 for a while now, ive been 2 clans so far throughout my journey on rs3 but both clans lack one thing in particular....Inactivity. Joining the number #1 clan on Runescape3 would be the best fit in my opinion. I want to share my journey with other rs3 players rather than myself.
3. Would you be interested in joining our Discord server?
Yes of course.
4. How many hours do you play per week, on average? Im not online everyday but when im online, im online for usually 2-3 hours of gameplay time. So i'd say around 12 hours a week.
5. Please describe a typical RuneScape day for you. Include any dailies/D&Ds that you partake in. Get online, and find something to do, whether is trying to do some archeology or some slayer, which is my goal atm. I dont do any dailies or D&Ds unless im going for 120 in that particular skill. Only then would I do those.
6. What are your current goals on RuneScape? How will you achieve these goals efficiently? My current goal is to achieve the Comp Cape. 99 archeology to get my max cape back. Im also going for the master quest cape, and my long term goal is to achieve atleast 1 kill in every single boss in rs3, then bump it up to the Final Boss Title. I gotta be on as much as I can to achieve these goals. Im also employeed so I always try to time to play rs3 as much as i could....and i think im doing well with the progress that Ive achieved so far.
13-Aug-2020 21:21:32