¤ Preferred name: Thorkkel
¤ Total level: 1275
¤ Time zone: (GMT)
¤ What is your current goal?: Aiming to reach my first 99 skill ever, want to reach Max and expereince everything RS3 has to offer (Used to play on original RS a looong time ago and cant believe how much has changed!)
¤ Have you been in a clan before?: Nope, not on RS, have been in many clans and lead clans on other games however
¤ How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: N/A
¤ How did you find us?: The Forums
¤ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?: Looking for some friendly people to play the game with whilst having a lot of fun along the way!
02-Jan-2017 22:17:40