1. What name do you prefer to be called? Pouru01
2. Are you an IM/HCIM? No
3. Total Level: 1059
4. Time Zone: +0 GMT
5. Have you read and do you agree to our Clan Rules? Yes
6. Have you been in a Clan before? No
7. Why did you leave your last Clan? -
8. Will you visit the Citadel once a week? I will
9. Do you intend to cap at the Citadel (be honest, it's not mandatory)? I will help if i can.
10. What is your goal within this Clan? Joining activities, or at least have a chat
11. Did anyone Refer you? No
12. Current RuneScape goals? At least 1skill 99
13. Anything else you would like to add? -
18-Oct-2016 21:33:59