Runescape Name: Call Me Mosh
Country and Timezone: US est-0
Total Level: 1134 (currently training, also have 5 99's if that counts for something)
Favourite Skill: WOODCUTTING
Least Favourite Skill: Mining AND Smithing. Hate both pretty equally. I can do them with someone to keep me busy chatting though. Hopefully this clan can help that? C:
Quest Points: Only 15.. I was a skiller for a majority of this account's existence, so most quests would hurt it. I just recently did some combat, so I'll start questing if it's required.
Did You Read The PVP Policy: I believe I got it all. Strict no PVP policy, but you do play pvp minigames such as Castle Wars. You play said minigames strategically, rather than through violence, making defences and collecting points rather than killing. This is perfectly okay with me, since I'm pretty bad at PVP anyways.
19-Jul-2016 18:54:43