RSN -EnVi mY BAE (Subject to change
Preferred Name - Acashi
Country/TimeZone - USA - Midwest
Total Level - 2018
Total XP - 89m
Combat Level -129
Favorite Skill(s) - Combat
Are you 18+ years old? yes (24)
Current Goal in RS - 80 all skills for milestone cape
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes
Will you be capping at our citadel? Not even sure what that means, just started playing after years
Favorite RS Achievement - Master Quest cape, so cool.
Alternate Accounts - none i will play
What are you looking for in a clan? Just people to chat with and play with, been playing solo fro awhile
What type of clan events are you interested in? Any i suppose, don't know
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls? Someone asked me to join and i figured i would see what it is a bout