RSN - Gmein
Preferred Name - Gmeiner
Country/TimeZone - USA Central
Total Level -2150
Total XP -88 million
Combat Level - 120
Favorite Skill(s) - Thieving, Dungeoneering
Are you 18+ years old?
Current Goal in RS - Yes
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes
Will you be capping at our citadel? Likely
Favorite RS Achievement - I had a quest cape once upon a time. That was cool.
Alternate Accounts - Made a pure maybe 10 years ago, haven't played since then, so effectively none
What are you looking for in a clan? I like training crafting and mining in the citadel, and the social aspect. Also the avatar boost is nice.
What type of clan events are you interested in? Dungeoneering, any group skill stuff, if you want to go bossing I'd be down.
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls? It seems like a good mature group and I think I'd fit in. It's a group of people that like the game and have their heads on straight.
ALSO: I'm an economics Ph.D. student which is a fairly time intensive occupation. I may miss large amounts of time but do not intend to go completely inactive.
07-Nov-2016 01:08:32