RSN - MarkusAegeus
Preferred Name - Mark
Country/TimeZone - USA- AZ
Total Level - 2002
Total XP - 64m
Combat Level - 110
Favorite Skill(s) - Dungeoneering, Slayer, Herblore.
Are you 18+ years old? Yes.
Current Goal in RS - 95 Prayer + Curses and get 70 in all skills.
Did you read & agree to our rules? Yes.
Will you be capping at our citadel? I will do my best.
Favorite RS Achievement - 99 Smithing and Herblore.
Alternate Accounts - N/A.
What are you looking for in a clan? Supportive community and casual events!
What type of clan events are you interested in? Coordinated sinkholes, Dungeoneering, learning how to PVM.
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls? Clayton 69 and Killsamgoldw told me to stop being a filthy casual and get going with "perkscape"! And to start doing higher content!
09-Mar-2017 07:11:48