Preferred Name -
Bone or Dan
Country/TimeZone -
United States/CST
Total Level -
Total XP -
Combat Level -
138 (I'm really bad lol)
Favorite Skill(s) -
Slayer, Firemaking, Dungeoneering
Are you 18+ years old?
17, I'll be 18 in a few months
Current Goal in RS -
Re-max with 99 Invention
Did you read & agree to our rules?
You know it
Will you be capping at our citadel?
Sure thing
Favorite RS Achievement -
Maxing before Invention
Alternate Accounts -
Just the me, don't have any alts
What are you looking for in a clan?
Looking for some chill mates to PvM with and hang out
What type of clan events are you interested in?
Bossing masses are always great.
Why would you like to join ElderScrolls?
My dank brother
told me y'all are really fun.
Thanks for checking me over, just PM me in-game if you need me!