Runescape name (RSN): Saerwyn
Previous RSN's: N/A
Total level: 2898 (3377)
Total xp: 4,815,909,768
Country and time zone: USA, EST (NY)
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): none
Goals in Runescape: 5.6b, then boss logs minus raxxi cause I have 1kc rax pet
What are your favorite things to do on RS? have some fun bossing or doing other group content (raids are a lot of fun, wish they werent abandoned)
What are you looking for in a clan? just an active group of people interesting in similar activities, primarily bossing. I used to be in PSO with RBand and some other friends but the clan disbanded a while ago due to a leadership change... long story lol anyways, I used to boss a lot, been a long time since I have now, and looking forward to getting back in there.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? Not sure... I have been theorycrafting with a friend for months if not years on best exp leveling methods as I go for 5.6b. I am at 4.8b exp now, I have learned a thing or two and am open to sharing my journey/knowledge gained from the journey to max xp.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? Referred to by RBand.
12-Feb-2023 00:20:46
- Last edited on
12-Feb-2023 00:40:51