Hello! I would like to submit my application to your clan. Thank you for your consideration!
Runescape name (RSN): AlmostHandy
Previous RSN's: SkilledHippie
Total level: 2612 (2636)
Total xp: 329,202,975
Country and time zone: USA - Arizona Time Zone
Names of your other accounts (if you have them): N/A
Goals in Runescape: My long term goal is to simply have a good time. Short term goals include working on The Arc, getting to 120 Archaeology, big game hunting, and leveling invention.
What are your favorite things to do on RS? I love gathering and artisan skills the most. I like D&Ds and treasure trails quite a bit as well.
What are you looking for in a clan? I'm looking for some decent people to hang out and banter with while skilling.
In what way can you contribute to Modest Skillers? I'm an active daily player. I'm confident that I'll be able to easily maintain fealty and I'm always ready and willing to help when needed.
How did you find out about us? If someone referred you, who? I found you looking through the forums.
28-Sep-2022 17:47:46