
.:** THE ROUND TABLE**:. Thread is locked

Quick find code: 288-289-60-65944450

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
" YOU, have been chosen,... it is time! "

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Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:12:22 - Last edited on 05-Nov-2017 15:46:04 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
_-o*"... THE ROUND TABLE CLAN ... '*o-_
Welcome !!

Rather your a new player, an old player coming back, experienced or a vet.
There's a seat for you at the round table.
A Professional Clan - A Mature Respectful Family
Drop in our Clan Chat at TRT

All Time Zones Here
All Skill Plots OPEN 24/7 - Never Locked
Nothing is Mandatory
Tier-7 Citadel with 3 Avatar's

We Have:

A very organized Clan
No offsite posting required
Committed Leadership
Simple, easy Ranking System, No points
We accept P2p, F2p, Iron Women/ Men and Alts
and more

We Like:

Most importantly Each Other
Great laughs and fun in the CC
Skilling with Contests and Competitions
Mini Games, Distractions and Diversions
and more

We Offer:

Classes in a variety of topics
Monthly sweeps of Inactive Members
Weekly Sunday Clan News cast in the CC
Our own offsite Forums for more information
A Clan dedicated Avatar Warden for our home world
and more.
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:17:28 - Last edited on 02-Dec-2017 10:57:58 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Why Join a Clan?

Joining a Clan allows you access to the Clan Castle's Citadel and Keep (if you are a member).
This is located on a floating island south of Falador.
It's basically a giant XP making Machine for you and your Clannies. It allows you to earn a variety of XP in different forms.

As in:

Resource XP:
Earned while acquiring resource units to maintain the citadel wilst you Cap.
Bonus XP:
Given by the Quartermaster as part of capping.
Fealty XP:
Given by the Clan Cloak that you will receive.
Avatar XP:
Get a 3% xp boost from the avatar follower if your in the same world with it.
Avatar Extra XP:
Get a 6% xp boost from the avatar if you can see it.
It also has many other benefits. PM me or exitium Deus for details.

Why Join Us?

Just having people your comfortable around makes a big difference.
Tips, Advice, Help, in all forms from the lowest levels to the highest.
We have a lot of fun and laughs in the Clan Chat
Always Weekly Scheduled Events and Contests going on

What the Clan gets out of you?

We get your help with our Total XP Count (that is how clans are ranked). Were all totaled together.
You being a part of us just helps because you have valuable xp to count.
We get to keep and upgrade the Clan Castle's Citadel so we all can earn even more xp as we climb to the highest clan tier and rankings possible.
Who knows, maybe even a Jagex Clan Cup someday!

That's it in a Nutshell!
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:21:26 - Last edited on 26-Aug-2017 19:34:09 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Capping is NOT Mandatory


Except for Clan Jobs, The Clan Chat rank is only a cap counter. If you Cap (collect resources) at the Citadel, you will get a Promotion. If you Cap again, you will get promoted again. You can earn rank up to (but not exceeding) Administrator with Avatar Privileges.


You can not cap. Other ways of ranking are provided, XP earned and/ or time in clan.

Iron Women/ Men:

You cap at 75% less xp, a disadvantage, and no Avatar bonuses. You can collect Bonus XP though from the Citadel. Other ways of ranking are provided, XP earned and/ or time in clan.

Right now, we are in building mode, so this is our Breakdown of Ranks and how to get them:

Brand new to the clan or has not capped
Cap 1 time and get this rank
Cap 2 times and get this rank

: Cap 3 times and get this rank
Cap 4 times and get this rank
Cap 5 times and get this rank

Cap 6 times and get this rank plus avatar privileges
Help with a clan job and get this rank plus avatar privileges
For our Team Leaders

There is
No Demotions
for not capping after rank is earned up to Administrator.
All ranks above this are attainable, but require weekly capping and assistance in keeping the clan running smoothly.
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:28:15 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2017 18:39:47 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Clan Chat (CC)

Visit us at
" TRT "

The Clan Chat is the Most Important Thing in any Clan.
It's where friends are made, Information can be found. It is the best entertainment in the game. It is a place of solitude and comfort when needed. Any great clan will have a great CC.

We keep a
Mature Clan Chat

This means Adult Humor, but with out the bad taste.
No Sarcasm and No asking for money.

Vulgarity (including usernames), Insulting, Harassing, Discrimination, Causing drama, Poaching and Overall Disruption of the CC will
Not Be Allowed!
This will include Religion, Politics, and Drug talk.
We do allow cuss words as long as it is not extreme (constantly).
Clan Members consensus in the CC at that time will determine if someone has taken it to far.
We have to be fluid in these matters.

And of course,

Failing of following these rules!
1st time a Warning
2nd will be a KICK from the clan

More information about the Clan is on our Clan Forum

Thank You for looking and Happy Clan Hunting!
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:35:32 - Last edited on 29-Nov-2017 18:38:20 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Ah Yes, the Avatar, What the Hell is it?

The Avatar is a jumble of rocks from our castle island in the sky that is enchanted. It will follow us around like a pet and does many things.
Its one of the main reasons why everyone wants to join a clan.
This is how we work it here at TRT.

What it does:

The Avatar. For you, the Ava gives 3% xp boost in any skill that you are preforming as long as you are in the same world with it. For this an "Avatar Warden" must summon it at the Citadel and bring it down to the surface of a world. In our case World 103 is our home world.
If you can "See It" , you will get a 6% xp boost in any skill that you are preforming. This is great for Bankstanding.

Sweet huh?

Now Jagex has certain Parameters and Conditions that the Avatar, the Clan Members and the Avatar Warden must follow. Simplified these are as follows,

Anagogic Orts:

To get the Bonus you must feed the Avatar Anagogic Orts. It requires 300 Orts a week to get the "Buff" (the xp bonus). The Orts will drop at your feet during gameplay. They come in drops of 20 if your in combat (highly Recommended) or in little drops of 3-12 if your skilling (slow way to collect). You feed them directly to the Avatar or you can give them to the Quartermaster in the Citadel Keep.
You will get 200 Orts a day, takes 1.5 days to get enough (300) to activate the buffs for the first time. After that, they keep dropping. We recommend you collect about 3k of them, then we can turn them off. To do that you see the Sergeant of the Guard in the clan camp.
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:48:09 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2017 17:17:35 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

Avatar Warden's:

First and Foremost, being the Avatar Warden is a major responsibility.

We would like you to stay in
World 103
with it if it's there's only one out. This way all of us that worked hard to create it will get the benefits. Avatar's #2 and #3 you may take to any world you like.
You must be available, if possible, for clannies to come to you to feed it.
And you must
with it. If you do, we will recall it home. We know things happen, so were flexible. I've done this many times.

The Avatar is on a 6 hour time limit. If you have it for 6 hours it will disappear on you and return to the Citadel pond. It's just a matter of retrieving it again. Some times the Avatar will just disappear any way, as a result of standing in one spot too long with out moving or from being deep, deep in a dungeon. This is a glitch Jagex is working on. If this happens you can try "Calling it" thru the interface. Or try tellying some where. It should reappear. If not, back to the Citadel again.

The Avatar has many "Buffs" (things it can do for us). We ask that you only use the "Skilling Buff" (gives the XP bonus) unless given permission from the Citadel Commander To use another because there limited and are needed for Castle requirements.
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:53:49 - Last edited on 28-Oct-2017 17:17:55 by Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Amur of RA

Posts: 515 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

To take out the Avatar:

First, you need the rank of Administrator with the title of Avatar Warden.
This rank is earned thru Capping at the Citadel every week. If you do not cap, you will not get this rank. See "Rank, Clan Jobs and Descriptions" on this thread.
To get the Avatar, just go to the pond in the Citadel and summon it with the skilling buff.

It is a
policy unless the Avatar is needed for Citadel Work or an Event.
Preferably, ranking Clan Administrators over ranking Clan Jobholders first

Bitter Sweet:

While holding the avatar does give a great xp boost, it also prevents you from having another follower. Like legendary pets, familiars, ect. Sometimes the value of those is better than the Ava. So you have got to determine if it is worth it to you.
Plus, now your responsible for everyone else getting bonus xp and they'll want to feed it or join you in whatever you may be doing for the bonus. So please keep in the cc to respond to these things.
Trimmed Comp #2370

26-Aug-2017 18:56:36

Quick find code: 288-289-60-65944450 Back to Top