º Username: Antonio Romo
º Combat Level: 138
º Total level: 2,501
º What time zone are you in? EST
º What’s your current goal? All 99s
º Do you have any skillcapes? If so, which? Untrim farm keepsaked, and a few other 99s that are inferior to the amazing skill of farming.
º Which clan events do you enjoy? Xp competitions? Ones that aren't necessarily getting together in one spot, but encourages people to train.
º Have you been in a clan before? Yes
º If so, did you leave or get kicked? Why? This account's clan history is mostly just joining random friend's clans and hanging around and then jumping to next one where the chat is active.
º Have you read and understood the clan rules? Yes
º Will you try to be as active as possible? My game time has dropped over the years, but my all 99s goal has encouraged me to play more lately.
º How did you find out about Malicious Intent? The forums. Seemed like an active clan and a nice place to hang out and chat. Been lerking for a couple months and like the vibe.
º Will you PM one of the people who can invite (listed below) and organize a meeting place to be invited into the clan? I'll just ask one that's available in the chat so I'm not bothering somebody busy.
º Anything else you would like us to know? Rake weeds erry day
10-Dec-2018 01:53:20