º Username: N 00B
º Combat Level: 94
º Total level: 1903
º What time zone are you in? EDT
º What’s your current goal? Unlock Priff and 80 attack
º Do you have any skillcapes? If so, which? Prayer, Fishing, Fletch and FM within the next two days.
º Which clan events do you enjoy? Couldn't tell you, haven't really been in an active clan
º Have you been in a clan before? In ESO, and FPS games, yup
º If so, did you leave or get kicked? Why? They play other games, still in them currently.
º Have you read and understood the clan rules? Yes
º Will you try to be as active as possible? Yes
º How did you find out about Malicious Intent? Rune Clan xp listing
º Will you PM one of the people who can invite (listed below) and organize a meeting place to be invited into the clan? Yes. I'm also the guy in Discord gen chat, you can message me there if you see this first.
18-Mar-2019 00:35:08