Preferred name: TJ
Where you're from/time zone: Vancouver Island/PST
Immediate goals: 1b total xp
Long term goals: 200m mining/120 cook/120 range
Previous clan names and reasons for leaving (kick?): Serene Solace, left to join a more competitive skilling environment
Anything else to add:
Preferred name: Rosati
Where you're from/time zone: Florida EST
Immediate goals: Break 1B Total + 120 Invention
Long term goals: Eventually 120 in all Skills
Previous clan names and reasons for leaving (kick?): Modest Skillers - Inactive (Took Break)
Anything else to add: Returning after a couple month break. Looking for clean before DXP planning on gaining over 50M Exp during the weekend and want a clan to put my exp towards with.