Preferred name: Wetazp
Total level: 345
Time zone: US EST?
What is your current goal?: Fishing 99, also working on combat and slayer
Have you been in a clan before?: Nope
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: N/A
How did you find us?: Forum
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: New to the game
Thank you for taking the time to fill in an application, Wetazp.
I'm delighted to tell you that you've been ACCEPTED into Reclusion.
Please turn your private status to ON and consider guesting in Reclusion clan chat to receive your invite.
We are looking forward to having you in our clan!
Buck Danny
Preferred name: Seeker
Total level: 2354
Time zone: GMT + 2 (CEST)
What is your current goal?: Mainly just having fun. Skilling some slayer training, quests, a bit of everything
Have you been in a clan before?: nope, not in this game
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: -
How did you find us?: runescape clan forum
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I'm kinda relaxed person who plays what he's mood for. As soon as work starts agai next week i'll have less time, but will try to be on at least once a week (hoping for more)