Preferred name: Dahlia
Total level: 1555
Time zone: UTC/GMT+2
What is your current goal?:I'd like to advance my skilling, catch up on my quests and would love to have more sociale contact on Runescape
Have you been in a clan before?: Yes
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: One year
How did you find us?:This forum
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I left my previous Clan because of 2 reasons. On the one hand the clan was slowly falling apart, for example not enough members came by to take care of our citadel which meant it just kept downleveling. Secondly, this past year was quite a busy one and i had no time to uphold a promise of being active regularly. However, i believe that for the nearby future I am more in a position to become more active regularly and because of that I would love to join a new clan.
04-Jul-2021 22:46:18