Username: Foster3000
The name you like to be called: Foster
Total Level: 2265
Combat Level: 129
Favourite Skills: Smithing
Favourite Minigames or D&D’s: Sinkholes
How Important Are Group Activities to You (1 - 10): 7
Are you familiar with Clans and Citadels: Yes
Are you familiar with quartermaster xp boost and fealty: nope. (im kinda a noob and want to learn)
Are you happy to keep chat super clean: NO!
Are you sure?: ...*quite voice* yes....
Do you have a clan rank you are aiming for: Lieutenant i guess.
What is the name of our Clan Citadel Frost Dragon: Karma
What are your current runescape goals: Get Curses( (im already 99 prayer) and get into Priff.
15-Jan-2017 16:48:16