
0bscure - Social/Pvm/Skilling Thread is locked

Quick find code: 288-289-557-65813914

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pvm Coordinator Trial

Tier 1

-Level 90 Combat stats in at least 1 style
[90 Magic + 90 Defence / 90 Ranged + 90 Defence / 90 Attack + 90 Strength + 90 Defence]

-Can solo 1 hour of Gwd 1 without rebank

-T80 Weapons/Armour

Tier 2

-Level 99 Combat stats

-95 Prayer + 96 Herblore

-Can host at least 2 of the following bosses: (Nex, Kalphite King, Beastmaster Durzag, All Gwd2)

-T90 Weapons/Armour

Tier 3

-Level 99 Combat Stats

-95 prayer + 96 herblore

-Unlocked "the Reaper" title

-Can host any boss and perform roles in: (Vorago, Yakamaru, Nex, Kalphite King, Beastmaster Durzag)

-T90 Weapons/Armour

Willingness to host and teach bosses to clanmembers of any level
(up to their gear and skill requirement)

16-Jul-2016 18:02:38 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2016 21:15:43 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pvm Coordinator's

Tier 1


Tier 2

-Cloudory: Araxxor, Corporeal Beast, Gwd1, Gwd2, Kalphite King, Nex
-N Z L: Corporeal Beast, Gwd1, Gwd2, Kalphite King, Nex
-SamPlan: Araxxor, Beastmaster, Corporeal Beast, Gwd1, Gwd2, Nex
-Slayron: Araxxor, Corporeal Beast, Gwd1, Gwd2, Kalphite King, Nex

Tier 3

-EyeGotLittUp: Araxxor, Beastmaster, Kalphite King, Nex, Vorago, Yakamaru
-Harambe Dan: Araxxor, Beastmaster, Kalphite King, Nex, Vorago
-Hit me up: Araxxor, Beastmaster, Kalphite King, Nex, Vorago

16-Jul-2016 18:02:43 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2016 00:15:00 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Boss Requirements

Tier 1 - (God Wars Dungeon 1, Kalphite Queen, Kbd, Corporeal Beast, Chaos elemental)

-T70 Weapon/Armour

-Necklace: Fury / Blood Fury / Dungeoneering (Brawler, Arcane Stream, Farsight)

-Boosting potions (super, grand, extreme, overloads)

-Protect prayers (Protect melee, Protect range, Protect magic)

-Beast of Burden: War tortoise

-Inventory: Sharks / Boosting potion / Prayer potions / Teleport tab

Tier 2 - (Dagannoth Kings, GWD 2, Har-Aken, Kalphite King, Nex, Queen Black Dragon, TzTok-Jad)

-T80 Weapon/Armour

-Necklace: Fury / Blood Fury / Dungeoneering (Brawler, Arcane Stream, Farsight) / Reaper Necklace / Amulet of Soul

-95 Prayer or 96 Herblore

-Beast of Burden: War tortoise, Pack Yak

-Inventory: Sharks / Boosting Potions / Saradomin Brews / Prayer Potions / Adrenaline or Restoration (Combination) / Sign of life / Teleport Tab / Enhanced Excalibur / Dreadnips

Tier 3 - (Beastmaster Durzag, Legiones, Rise of the Six, Telos, Vorago, Yakamaru)

-T90 Weapon/Armour

-Necklace: Fury / Blood Fury / Dungeoneering (Brawler, Arcane Stream, Farsight) / Reaper Necklace / Amulet of Soul

-95 Prayer and 96 Herblore

-Beast of Burden: War tortoise, Pack Yak

-Familiar: Ice Nihil (Magic + Debuff), Smoke Nihil (Magic), Shadow Nihil (Range), Blood Nihil (Melee), Steel Titan

-Inventory: Rocktails / Overloads / Saradomin Brews / Prayer Flasks / Adrenaline or Restoration Potions (Combination) / Scrimshaw or God Book / Enhanced Excalibur / Dread Nips

16-Jul-2016 18:02:48 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2016 21:16:33 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pvm Event Log

Pvm Events Hosted

Harambe Dan: 5

Hit me up: 0

N Z L: 0

Qietperson: 1

SamPlan: 3

Slayron: 0

EyeGotLittUp: 11

16-Jul-2016 18:02:53 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2016 00:15:33 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Pvm Event Ideas

Group Bossing

-Boss Mass
-Team Competition [split in 2 groups, compete for most kills or best loot in x amount of time]
-Learners Events [teach someone a new boss]
-Weekly Kc competition [confirm kc at start of the week on forums, most kills in set boss 1 week]
-Nightly Raids Runs [host raids every night or every 2 nights]


-Mega Duck runs
-Co-op Slayer
-Record Kill times
-Highest Kc counter
-Title Challenges

16-Jul-2016 18:02:58 - Last edited on 03-Aug-2016 21:17:25 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Group Bossing Roles

0bscure Member

Allied Clan Member

Clan Friend



-Harambe Dan
-Hit me up


Pet Tank

-Harambe Dan
-Hit me up

Base tank (main)

-Harambe Dan

Base tank (back up)

-Harambe Dan

--Kalphite King--

Heal Voke

-N Z L


-Harambe Dan
-N Z L


-Harambe Dan
-N Z L




-Harambe Dan


16-Jul-2016 18:03:02 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2016 04:51:03 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Group Bossing Roles Continued...

--Rise of the six--

Supreme Dps

-Harambe Dan
-Hit Me Up




-Harambe Dan
-Hit Me Up

Bomb Tank

-Hit Me Up


-Harambe Dan
-Hit Me Up




North tank (Sand)


North tank (Stun)


Stun dps

-Harambe Dan

Poison Tank



-Harambe Dan

Shark Tagger


16-Jul-2016 18:03:08 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2016 04:52:48 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
0bscure Top Boss Kill's Counter


Araxxi - (1,579) - Cloudory

Barrows - (105) - Cloudory/Slayron

Rots - (291) - EyeGotLittUp

Beastmaster Durzag - (247) - EyeGotLittUp

Chaos Elemental - (1,140) - EyeGotLittUp

Commander Zilyana - (1,440) - Slayron

Corporeal Beast - (5,360) - EyeGotLittUp

Dagannoth Kings - (5,227) - EyeGotLittUp

General Graardor - (5,202) - Slayron

Giant Mole - (128) - EyeGotLittUp

Gregorvic - (329) - Harambe Dan

Har-Aken - (150) - Harambe Dan

Hel(wy)r - (710) - EyeGotLittUp

Kalphite King - (3,352) - EnviSion ft

Kalphite Queen - (617) - EyeGotLittUp

King Black Dragon - (1,185) - Samplan

Kree'Arra - (2,562) - Harambe Dan

K'ril Tsutsaroth - (5,451) - EyeGotLittUp

Legiones - (3,433) - EyeGotLittUp

Nex - (855) - Slayron

Queen Black Dragon - (1014) - Slayron

Telos - 141 - (110% enraged) - Slayron

The Twin Furies - (396) - Cloudory

.TzTok-Jad - (1,065) - Harambe Dan

.Vindicta & Gorvek - (2,130) - Harambe Dan

.Vorago - (591) - EyeGotLittUp

Yakamaru - (136) - EyeGotLittUp

16-Jul-2016 18:03:14 - Last edited on 04-Oct-2016 04:05:03 by Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Clan 0bscure

Posts: 76 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
0bscure Top Boss Kill's Counter Continued....


Commander Zilyana (Hm) - (631) - EyeGotLittUp

General Graador (Hm) - (101) - EyeGotLittUp

Giant Mole (Hm) - (53) - EyeGotLittUp

Gregorvic (Cm) - (7) - EyeGotLittUp

Hel(wy)r (Cm) - (69) - EyeGotLittUp

The Twin Furies (Cm) - (75) - EyeGotLittUp

.Vindicta & Gorvek (Cm) - (19) - EyeGotLittUp

K'ril Tsutsaroth (Hm) - (378) - EyeGotLittUp

Kree'Arra (Hm) - (174) - EyeGotLittUp

Vorago (Hm) - (19) - EyeGotLittUp

16-Jul-2016 18:03:21 - Last edited on 30-Sep-2016 04:55:19 by Clan 0bscure

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