We are a new-ish clan starting up but have plenty of experience and would love to share this with fellow clannies. We do bossing and casual/hardcore skilling for those who would like to join our casual clan.
Feel free to cap in the citedal if you would like and to chat and ask questions which will hopeful help us all achieve that famed max cape or if you want the famed comp capes. If skilling is not your thing then feel free to go bossing with some of our clan and get the precious loots that will make you bank.
Our clan basically runs on respect and team work so join up and become a part of this.
Hi. I'm interested in joining your clan. I tend to run alone, but would like tips on how to gear up. I'm sure in that area I will need LOTS of help. I would also like to get in on boss kills and do some of the dungeons as I have never done them.