º Username: Tony Almeida
º Combat Level: 138
º Total level: 2454
º What time zone are you in? Pacific (PST)
º What’s your current goal? 99 WC short term, Maxing long term
º Do you have any skillcapes? If so, which? Attack, Strength, Defence, Range, Prayer, Magic, Dungeoneering, Constitution, Herblore, Fletching, Slayer, Mining, Smithing, Cooking, Firemaking, and Summoning.
º Which clan events do you enjoy? Skilling/PVM
º Have you been in a clan before? Yes.
º If so, did you leave or get kicked? Why? I left because I switched over to OSRS for a significant amount of time because I have interest in both versions of the game. Since then, OSRS has hit a dull state for me again and am looking to play RS3 all the time again.
º Have you read and understood the clan rules? Yep.
º Will you try to be as active as possible? I work and play other games, but I always find time to play RS when I can.
º How did you find out about Malicious Intent? I'm pretty sure I was in this clan before and it was great and the people were friendly. If I remember right I left because I had intentions of going to OSRS for a significant amount of time.
º Will you PM one of the people who can invite (listed below) and organize a meeting place to be invited into the clan? Sure!
º Anything else you would like us to know?
03-Sep-2016 06:40:52