Name/Nickname:Web* / Goddess Aqua
What’s your skill total level? :2602
What time zone are you in? Japan Central Standard Time
What's your current goal? Max Cape/5th Account Max Completion
How did you find us? : Forums
Anything interesting about yourself you would like to add? (Optional) : I am an Ota*u that works as security for a second hand Anime/Manga store. I am largely into runescape and have been playing religiously for the past 14 years. I have a joking personality. I am a female run escaper. I always have membership and my preferred method of playing runescape is skill/flip/merch. I do not do very much pvp or pvm. I am hoping to hear back, Have a good day.
The moment the weak become leaders is the moment that the people they are leading become just as weak. do not let your self become weak. ignore your leader and become an anarchist.
05-Apr-2016 01:03:30