Total lvl:
* Why would you like to join Flare Reborn?:
It seems like a decent clan, hence i'd like to experience it.
» Will you follow the rules?:
*checks rules again*, yes.
* What does rule #2 say?:
coppuchino pasterino: "While mild swearing is allowed; excessive swearing should be avoided and not aimed them at other players or intentionally offensive. Racism is not allowed at all. "
» Will you be nice and respect other members?:
» Will you bump our threads at least once a day?:
To be perfectely honest, most likely not. But when I visit this thread i'll leave a bump.
» Your 3 highest Skills: Minigaming
(Dungeoneering isn't a skill, it's a minigame imo), Defence, Hitpoints (I refuse to call it constitutioneering)
» Your Quest Points:
353 and rising when new quests will be released
» Combat level:
» Favourite Skill:
» How did you get to know about Flare Reborn?:
I saw the reply on a thread on the lfc section and followed it which led to this place
» If you want post, your time zone: