Þ Preferred name: Muddles
Þ Total level: 2592
Þ Time zone: Eastern US
Þ In terms of XP gains, how active will you be?: Still working on qpc, but I get consistent XP through my dailies
Þ What other games do you play? Old School RS, Minecraft, also have a Nintendo Switch
Þ What is your current goal?: QPC
Þ Have you been in a clan before?: Yes
Þ How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: 9 months - previously was in Reclusion
Þ How did you find us?: Forums
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I'm 19 years old. highly social and know how to max gains but I'm still learning PvM
23-Dec-2022 00:19:15