Þ Preferred name: Stormwracker
Þ Total level: 2678 (530m xp)
Þ Time zone: Mountain
Þ In terms of XP gains, how active will you be?: Active daily, currently grinding WC, Fishing, RC, so very slow gains. Afterwards ill be grinding 120 slayer.
Þ What other games do you play? None currently (BF2042 very disappointing)
Þ What is your current goal?: Max, then 120 max, then Comp or pet collecting.
Þ Have you been in a clan before?: Yes, Efficiency Experts.
Þ How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: Over a year
Þ How did you find us?: Browsing forums
Þ (Optional) Anything else you would like add?: I'm goal driven and am really enjoying where the game is at right now and the content they have prepared for the future.
Thanks for the opportunity.
31-Jan-2022 01:37:49