Previous Usernames: anarkay457
Total level: 1790
Combat level: 102
Any 99s?: cooking / fletching (almost construction)
Have you been in any clans before? If so why did you leave?: "OSRS advice" - not very social
Why would you like to join We Are Epic?: I'm on hunt for a friendly and social clan to keep me distracted while I skill
Favorite Runescape Activity (Castle wars, Barbarian Assault etc,) : Fashionscaping
Are you willing to do your share in citadel upkeep?: yes
Do you understand the ranking system? (see list below): yes
Will you place vexes around runescape and bump this thread?: if required, yes
Have you read our rules?: yes
What would you like to be called?: 4bidden / forbidden / skin
Anything you would like to add: i'm lvl 98 construction atm, about to start the grind to 99.
05-Aug-2021 02:55:52