Welcome to
Modest Skillers!
Social Relaxed Skilling Clan
The biggest challenge after success is being modest about it.
We are an active, mature and social skilling clan with a variety of members from around the world. Our experienced and open-minded team of leaders help to run things smoothly, organise events, and socialise with the rest of the clan. We have created a fun and drama-free environment in which we can all skill together, chat, and achieve our RS goals.
Clan Achievements:
Top 10 position for the 2019 Big Game Hunter Clan Cup
I am very proud of members of this clan who worked together to achieve this! We hope you all enjoyed the Crystal Avatar and 9% experience boost.

Reasons to Join
Laid-back and mature atmosphere
Experienced and modest members
T7 citadel
Clan Discord
Variety of weekly events: Skilling competitions, PvM trips, quizzes and hunts
Attendance at events or capping at the citadel is
required, but any help is appreciated.
Opportunity to find partners/groups for skilling and PvM activities.
Clan Requirements
2400+ total level or 250M total xp.
Alt accounts can join with no requirements, alongside your main.
Clan Information
December 26th, 2013
Tier 7
Modest Skillers
T7 Citadel | Variety of skilling, minigame and PvM events.
24-Dec-2018 12:01:38 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2019 16:08:24 by Mada