~~~~~~~~~~~DUNGEONEERING POTION LIST~~~~~~~~~~~~
Magic potion, Weak 3 Sagewort, Void dust
Boosts Magic by 4 + 10% of Magic level
Ranged potion, Weak 5 Valerian, Void dust
Boosts Ranged by 4 + 10% of Ranged level
Melee potion, Weak 7 Valerian, Misshapen claw
Boosts Attack and Strength by 4 + 10% of each level
Defence potion, Weak 9 Aloe, Void dust
Boosts Defence by 4 + 10% of Defence level
Stat restore potion, Weak 12 Aloe, Red moss
Restores stats (not Prayer or Summoning) by 5 + 12% of skill level
Cure potion, Weak 15 Aloe, Firebreath whiskey
Cures disease and poison. Makes immune to both and dragon fire for 5 minutes.
Rejuvenation potion, Weak 18 Aloe, Misshapen claw
Restores Prayer and Summoning points by 4 + 8% of skill level
Weapon poison, Weak 21 Sagewort, Firebreath whiskey
Weapon poison that starts at 48 damage
Gatherer's potion, Weak Sagewort, Red moss
Boosts Woodcutting, Mining and Fishing by 3 + 2% of levels
Artisan's potion, Weak 27 Valerian, Red moss
Boosts Smithing, Crafting, Fletching, Construction and Firemaking by 3 + 2% of levels
Naturalist's potion, Weak 30 Sagewort, Misshapen claw
Boosts Cooking, Farming, Herblore and Runecrafting by 3 + 2% of levels
Survivalist's potion, Weak 33 Valerian, Firebreath whiskey
Boosts Agility, Thieving, Hunter and Slayer by 3 + 2% of levels
16-Mar-2013 03:48:40
- Last edited on
16-Mar-2013 04:20:24