Application -
If you're ready to join you can either apply here or on our offsite! Copy and paste the below application!
Runescape Account name: Amen777
Additional Accounts you would like to add to the clan chat:
Member or freeplayer?: member
How you heard about our clan: scrolling thru posts
Total level: 1489
Timezone: eastern
A bit about you: old time runescaper whos just getting back into the game
Do you understand that you must VISIT [capping not required* the citadel once a week?: yes
Do you agree to follow the clan rules? yes
Jamandy52 is a Runescape clan who aims to be friendly, active, and fun at all times. We expect all our members to be respectful to each other. Members who create drama, attempt to stir up trouble, or make the clan atmosphere uncomfortable may be removed at Admin Discretion.
11-May-2016 16:52:41