**Please visit the citadel if you have not yet! Capping is optional but any resources you do grab are appreciated
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.
09-Oct-2016 16:42:06
- Last edited on
09-Oct-2016 16:43:13
Runescape Account name: SirBuRR
Additional Accounts you would like to add to the clan chat: none
Member or freeplayer?: Fresh Member
How you heard about our clan: this Thread
Total level: 199
Timezone: GMT
A bit about you: 19 y going to school i love mining
Do you understand that you must VISIT [capping not required* the citadel once a week?: np
Do you agree to follow the clan rules? np
You have been accepted!
23 200ms. Founder of Jamandy52 skilling clan. Favorite skill: Construction. Love skilling. Love minigames.
Working on 200m Divination atm. PM for effigies assists, and for tips when skilling. World 70.