RSN: MagerDouche
Overall Level: 1253/Combat Lvl 110
Overall Exp: 19,749,114
Previous clans: Mages of Malevolence
Reason for joining clan:
Hey everyone,
I've been looking for a clan to get more involved in the RS community, do some PVM, and work on skilling. I came across your profile and was extremely impressed by your dedication to the community and impressive statistics. Also, your clan motif is one of the best I've seen and would go perfectly with my aesthetic (Virtus, Pernix, and working on acquiring Torva). I recently regained membership after a 5 year hiatus, and have been extremely active (gaining 10 combat lvls and completing 92 Slayer Tasks during my first week back). I understand I don't meet the main requirements, but hoping that holding the RSN "MagerDouche" without getting censored counts towards being a "unique" exception. Thanks for your consideration and feel free to hit me up on private chat!
Referral(if any, max one): N/A
04-Dec-2020 06:22:11