Runescape name: unique 15
Total Level: 150?
How did you hear about us?: through forums
What time zone are you in?: gmt, uk
Current goals in Runescape: 99 prayer at lvl 15 cmb
Favourite activities to do on Runescape: most skills
Anything extra you would like us to know?: I just recently made this account hence why the total lvl is low but I have 99 prayer, cooking, fletching, crafting and smithing banked
so will be gaining lots of xp!
Runescape name: FishrMan
Total Level:449
How did you hear about us?: Scanning forums
What time zone are you in?: EST
Current goals in Runescape: 99 fishing then possible 120 or 99 in another skill
Favourite activities to do on Runescape: Fishing
Anything extra you would like us to know?: I pretty much just fish currently but after i get my cape and some gold from it ill start leveling other skills up
Runescape name:IvI3 skiller
Total Level:225
How did you hear about us?:in forums
What time zone are you in?:EET
Current goals in Runescape:99HERB + 120farming
Favourite activities to do on Runescape:skilling
Anything extra you would like us to know?:nop
, If you have any questions or concerns PM me in game or any other admin+ rank listed above and they will be happy to help. You’re now free to be invited to
, please remember to keep your pm on so I can arrange to meet you in game to invite you to the clan.
, If you have any questions or concerns PM me in game or any other admin+ rank listed above and they will be happy to help. You’re now free to be invited to
, please remember to keep your pm on so I can arrange to meet you in game to invite you to the clan.