º Combat Level: 137
º Total level: 2621
º What time zone are you in? eastern
º What’s your current goal? max
º Do you have any skillcapes? If so, which? i have 16 capes.
º Which clan events do you enjoy? drop parties.
º Have you been in a clan before? yea
º If so, did you leave or get kicked? Why? was not to my interest
º Have you read and understood the clan rules? yesssir
º Will you try to be as active as possible? im on all day
º How did you find out about Malicious Intent? forums
º Will you PM one of the people who can invite (listed below) and organize a meeting place to be invited into the clan? ofc
º Anything else you would like us to know? i am 34 years old, i have been playing for 19 years on this very account. i am a bitcoin trader/ investor, so i am online quite a bit and will be very active
05-May-2020 17:51:44
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05-May-2020 17:57:52
After reviewing your application to Malicious Intent, I'm pleased to announce you've been accepted!
Our home worlds are w39 and w71 and skilling at the citadel is optional although the 6% fealty xp boost is super sweet. We also have a Discord chat for friendly clan chat, skilling guides, and rs fun
ask a, overseer for Discord information if you wish to join.
All that's left for you to do is pm an invitee on page one of our forum page for an invite. Our clan chat is relaxed. Feel free to ask questions, offer help; one, none or all, we are a friendly clan. Hope you enjoy the clan as much as I do!
Malicious Intent
There's a storm brewing in her mind. The rain splashes wildly, Flashes of light, Drums of Thunder, Raging...(Forbs*eLaLa)
05-May-2020 17:56:27
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05-May-2020 18:03:54