Name: ra1nb0wz
Time Zone: (GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)
Total Level: 1082
Maxed Non Combat Skills: Woodcutting
Have you been in a RS Clan Before: Yes, several times.
Would you cap at the Citadel when possible: Definitely.
What is our Key phrase: "3 is the magic number"
How did you find our clan (forum/recommended/Event) I was recruited by Snowy Omega in World 8
What are your top 3 Activities/Events/Skills (to help us plan clan events): Woodcutting, fletching, castle wars.
Would you be interested in joining 1 of the 6 teams or wish info? Yes, preferably I'd like to join the recruiting team or the social team (in no particular order)
Describe yourself in 1 word: Patient
14-Mar-2013 03:33:37