Preferred name: Wai pronounced Y
Total level: 2226
Time zone: NZ GTM + 13
What is your current goal?: No current goals as of yet
Have you been in a clan before?: yes.... i think?
How long has it been since you left your previous clan?: maybes 2006 (wild guess)
How did you find us?: Browsing forums
(Optional) Anything else you would like add?: Returned to Runescape and have been playing consistently for a month and a half now, still unfamiliar with all the current content and updates and its a little overwhelming TBH, so i have just been doing what i remember when i left the game, so i think what better way to start enjoying the games again by joining a guild/clan and meeting new people with the same interest, and gaining a few levels along the way, thanks for your time, and hope my app is considered,
Harlz_nz aka Waipero
04-Jan-2019 04:53:30