Preferred Name:
Dusk/Corv/Dusker/El Duskerino (if you're not into the whole brevity thing)
Total level:
U.S. Eastern Standard Time
How did you find out about us?
Through the Runescape forums.
Have you read the Code of Conduct?
Cover to cover, backwards and forwards.
Will you swear by the Code of Conduct?
Aye, aye!
Would you like to be considered for one of our leadership positions?
I'm open to the idea! Though I'm not exactly a Runescape guru, I could probably handle a position later on down the line.
If yes, why would you be suitable for this particular role?
I have had experience when it comes to leading somewhat sizeable guilds/clans in other MMOs, and am fully aware of the effort and enthusiasm that needs to be put forth and maintained in order to make them truly great.
Anything extra you would like to add:
Unfortunately, I can't guarantee to be all that active - real life has been bearing down on me in the past few months in many aspects. However, it seems clear that for No Direction, that's perfectly understandable. I truly appreciate that