Name: Karann Grey
1) Who recruited you?
Dawn of Frost, Fumei-ichi, Gelderbald
2) What is your Combat level?
3) What is your Total Level?
4) Will you post on the Clan Home thread, and participate on it when needed?
Maybe. I'm not a frequent visitor to the forums, though. Motivate me! :-)
5) Preferred style of play (tank, ranger, warrior, mage, skiller, pvm, etc)?
Skiller, anyhting that's AFKable, and currently quests.
6) Will you play on our Home-world whenever possible (w9)?
7) What are you current 99s?
None, but shooting for runecrafting (96 atm) and woodcutting (90 atm)
8) What is your favorite non-combat skill?
Woodcutting, for whatever strange reason.
9) Will you agree to cap resources in the Clan Citadel each week?
Whenever i can make it. RL takes priority.
10) Will you attend at least one Event per week?
I'll try to, see 9)
11) What are your favorite events/minigames/d&d's/activities?
Didn't get into those yet.
12) Will you follow all Clan and Jagex rules?
13) Have you ever been in a Clan before? If so, what was your rank?
Not any to speak of. 5 people clans don't really count.
14) Why have your chosen to join Guthix Halos?
Nice conversation while mining a fallen star. Sounded like you guys have a life outside of RS as well, which I think is great.
15) What other information about yourself would you like to share?
I don't presume there's a lot I can tell you in RS.
08-Mar-2013 16:21:39